INTRO You see a strong man. NAME "Hank." He shakes your hand in greeting. JOB "Hunt mostly. Sometimes runs errands fer Lord Henry. He's sort of like our ruler here. Second-in-command really, NEXT to Lord Baldwin." BYE "Take care." "Sorry, I don't know much about it." NEXT "More or less, yes." WATERFALL "Oh! You mean the jungle dungeon! My, what lovely falls they art!" He winks. "Of course, not as nice as the LADIES, eh?" LADIES "Obviously, you've been talking with Cindy. Ok then, I guess you can have the magic POTION." POTION "I'm not sure what it is, but I think it relates to some sort of pool of rainbows. Ask SAUL about it." SAUL "He's over on the east side. In fact, I think he has the potion. Say SLAMO to him and he'll know I sent you." SLAMO "Yea, that's it. He's a fine fellow."